Trotec Ruby FAQs
All you need to know about our laser software Ruby
Ruby - the new software platform
Which machines are supported?
Most Trotec laser machines, including the Speedy series, SP500, R and Q series, are supported by Ruby®. Older models may have restrictions - we will be happy to inform you whether your machine is compatible with Ruby®. The U300 galvo laser has also been supported by Ruby® since the end of March 2024.
What are system requirements for installing and operating Ruby®?
Trotec laser machines, that are not Run on Ruby® Minimum PC system requirements for installation and operation: - Windows 10 (1809 or later) - 2.0 GHz Dualcore 64bit CPU - 2 GB RAM - Approximately 2GB free space for Ruby® + additional space for data - Local Admin rights for the installation of Ruby® - Internet connection during installation - FullHD screen resolution (1920x1080) - Chromium based Browser (e.g. Chrome, Edge, etc.) Trotec Run on Ruby® laser machines Minimum requirements for end devices of Run on Ruby® machines during installation and operation: - 2.0 GHz Dualcore CPU - 2 GB RAM - Chromium based Browser (e.g. Chrome, Edge, Opera, etc.) - OS independent - FullHD screen resolution (1920x1080) - 100Mbit/sec. Ethernet LAN connection, Wifi is optional possible, but not recommended
How do I download Ruby®?
In case you received a new laser machine, Ruby® is already installed. If you want to install Ruby® on your existing Trotec laser system, please consider the system requirements. You can download the Ruby® software here :
How do I register for Ruby®?
Please register once per company. Simply use the "Click here to register" Link on the Ruby Login page. With the created Ruby® account, you can use Ruby® on all your machines.
Does Ruby® have network capability?
Yes, you can connect all computers within your local network with your Ruby® PC. Therefore, you can manage, design, prepare and send jobs to your laser from any computer in your network, even from a Mac. Only starting the laser needs to be done on the side.
Does web-based mean Ruby® runs on the internet?
The technology used for the Ruby® interface is web-based. Web-based does not refer to an online connection. Using a web browser for the Ruby® interface makes the software platform independent. A web browser does not require any internet connection. This is comparable to using a printer within a local network.
What about data security, how secure are stored data in Ruby®?
Data sovereignty is in the hands of our customers. Data saved in Ruby® are exclusively stored on your PC. You can use Ruby® on- or offline. Either way, your stored data cannot be accessed from outside.
What are Ruby® safety standards?
We work with highest safety standards. Ruby® software is developed according to OWASP® Foundation standards, which are amongst the strictest within the field of software security. Ruby® works with certificates and token. Secure communication with encryption via Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is used.
Will it be possible to connect a web shop with Ruby®?
Yes, it will be possible to use Ruby®'s open programming interface - the Ruby® API - to connect 3rd party systems like your web shop to minimize job creation time.
How to work with Ruby
What are the actual supported file formats
*.pdf; *.svg; *.ai; *.png; *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.bmp; *.tsf; *.tld; *.tlj; *.zip; *.cdr; *dxf,…
Automatic file import
Simply save or drag&drop your graphic files to the Ruby import folder. A shortcut to this folder is available in the Ruby® App.
Login not possible – Login Button stays grey
- Use only Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge Web-Browser. - Check in your Task bar if the Ruby® App is started.
Login not possible – Access Denied
Check for typos with your login password. Use copy & paste function from your welcome mail.
I cannot see all UI elements
Make sure your Windows Display Scaling is set to 100% with FullHD screen resolution (1920x1080). Depending on the computer, it might automatically recommend 125% or 150% by default.
Ruby and JobControl®
Will Ruby® phase out JobControl® and if so, how fast?
JobControl® is and will still be functional with your lasers and supported by Trotec. The Ruby® upgrade is voluntary basis. Overall, the technology base for future developments will be Ruby®, as it allows functionalities that have not been possible in the past.
Ruby® and UMark
Will Ruby® phase out UMark?
UMark remains fully compatible and operational with your U300 marker. The Ruby® upgrade is optional. Moving forward, Ruby® serves as the foundational technology for future developments, enabling functionalities that were previously unattainable.