Laser Cutter in Education and Schools
Use of laser cutters in schools: safe, contactless and digital from the idea to the finished product. With a wide variety of materials.
What makes the use of laser cutters in schools so exciting?
How do you turn product ideas into prototypes in just a few steps? With a laser cutter, pupils and students can quickly create their first scale models: Whether in model making, design or fashion. Many schools, Makerspaces, FabLabs and universities are already using a laser as one of their digital tools.
Laser cutter projects in schools convey the working methods of digital manufacturing safely and quickly. Modifications to prototypes are quick, easy and require little time or money. The process from the idea to the finished workpiece is mapped digitally throughout. .

Why using a Trotec laser machine in schools makes sense. A comparison of technologies.
What can be done.
How to calculate the cost of using a laser machine.
When acquiring a laser cutter for schools or Makerspaces, the investment costs need to be broken down in terms of both users and service life. These examples show how to calculate the costs of using the laser so that the costs are covered. Investment and operating costs are included in the calculation.
Which laser cutters are suitable for use in schools.
The laser cutters of the Speedy series offer your students safety, speed, intelligent functions and the most innovative technical design on the market. The simple workflow of the laser software Ruby® enables the remote preparation of laser jobs – so there are no waiting times for the laser cutter.
Discover laser engravers and cutters
Why is laser software Ruby® the best for education?