FAQs about Trotec Ruby
All you need to know about our laser software Ruby
Ruby - the new software platform
Which machines are supported?
Most Trotec laser machines, including the Speedy series, SP500, R and Q series, are supported by Ruby®. Older models may have restrictions - we will be happy to inform you whether your machine is compatible with Ruby®. The U300 galvo laser has also been supported by Ruby® since the end of March 2024.
What are system requirements for installing and operating Ruby®?
Trotec laser machines, that are not Run on Ruby® Minimum PC system requirements for installation and operation: - Windows 10 (1809 or later) - 2.0 GHz Dualcore 64bit CPU - 2 GB RAM - Approximately 2GB free space for Ruby® + additional space for data - Local Admin rights for the installation of Ruby® - Internet connection during installation - FullHD screen resolution (1920x1080) - Chromium based Browser (e.g. Chrome, Edge, etc.) Trotec Run on Ruby® laser machines Minimum requirements for end devices of Run on Ruby® machines during installation and operation: - 2.0 GHz Dualcore CPU - 2 GB RAM - Chromium based Browser (e.g. Chrome, Edge, Opera, etc.) - OS independent - FullHD screen resolution (1920x1080) - 100Mbit/sec. Ethernet LAN connection, Wifi is optional possible, but not recommended
How do I download Ruby®?
In case you received a new laser machine, Ruby® is already installed. If you want to install Ruby® on your existing Trotec laser system, please consider the system requirements. You can download the Ruby® software here : https://troteclaser.com/rubydownload/.
How do I register for Ruby®?
Please register once per company. Simply use the "Click here to register" Link on the Ruby Login page. With the created Ruby® account, you can use Ruby® on all your machines.
Does Ruby® have network capability?
Yes, you can connect all computers within your local network with your Ruby® PC. Therefore, you can manage, design, prepare and send jobs to your laser from any computer in your network, even from a Mac. Only starting the laser needs to be done on the side.
Does web-based mean Ruby® runs on the internet?
The technology used for the Ruby® interface is web-based. Web-based does not refer to an online connection. Using a web browser for the Ruby® interface makes the software platform independent. A web browser does not require any internet connection. This is comparable to using a printer within a local network.
What about data security, how secure are stored data in Ruby®?
Data sovereignty is in the hands of our customers. Data saved in Ruby® are exclusively stored on your PC. You can use Ruby® on- or offline. Either way, your stored data cannot be accessed from outside.
What are Ruby® safety standards?
We work with highest safety standards. Ruby® software is developed according to OWASP® Foundation standards, which are amongst the strictest within the field of software security. Ruby® works with certificates and token. Secure communication with encryption via Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is used.
Will it be possible to connect a web shop with Ruby®?
Yes, it will be possible to use Ruby®'s open programming interface - the Ruby® API - to connect 3rd party systems like your web shop to minimize job creation time.
Is there a Ruby® training course?
We have training tutorials online on our webpage under the section Learn & Support : https://www.troteclaser.com/en/learn-support/ruby-help
Where can I find tips and tricks on Ruby®?
Find all tips and tricks on Ruby® under the section Learn & Support : https://www.troteclaser.com/en/learn-support/ruby-help
Do I always have to update Ruby®?
We strongly recommend to update Ruby® with every new release to benefit from all bugfixes and new features
Is Ruby® insecure or unstable if I don't update?
Ruby® does not become insecure or unstable, but regular updates are recommended due to permanent improvement and adoptions to the suppored operation systems.
What are the "beta" features in Ruby®?
With Beta features we like to introduce new functions on an early stage and get your feedback for improvements. Beta functions are subject to be changed.
What does the "remote access certificate" do?
The certificate tells your computer that the connection to Ruby® is a safe trusted connection.
Do I have a security problem if the webbrowser says "not secure"?
There is no internet security issue or similar if your browser shows "not secure" when working with Ruby®. It only means that the browser does not know this connection and can not give guarantee for it. See here for help on installing the certificate - https://www.troteclaser.com/en/learn-support/ruby-help/browser-security-message
Can I work with Ruby® off-site - i.e. remotely?
Ruby® can be installed and used locally on your computer. When connected to your network you can use it from everywhere to design and prepare jobs. Run on Ruby® (RoR) systems have Ruby® already pre-installed so that you can work remotely if your device is in the same network as your laser.
Do I have to create a Ruby® account for each machine I want to operate with Ruby®?
No, one account per company/workshop. You can add as many machines to one account as Superadmin as needed. Some changes can be done by the Superadmin only, so it might be wise to have different Superadmins/accounts if your operation has multiple workshops .
Where can I read the release notes of the Ruby® version?
There is a notification of the release notes in the bottom right corner of Ruby® after installation. But if you miss this, they can be accessed here - https://www.troteclaser.com/en/learn-support/helpcenter/ruby-release-notes
How do I know what version of Ruby® I am using?
You can easily find this by pressing the the main menu at the top left (3 horizontal lines). This will open the menu, at the bottom of this menu you will see the Ruby® version.
If I have more than 1 machine, do I have to register for Ruby® multiple times?
No, you only need to register one time for a Ruby® account for that company. We call this a SuperAdmin User. They can login to Ruby® with their details and create new users under UserManagement. More on this here - https://www.troteclaser.com/en/learn-support/ruby-help/user-management
How to work with Ruby
What are the actual supported file formats
*.pdf; *.svg; *.ai; *.png; *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.bmp; *.tsf; *.tld; *.tlj; *.zip; *.cdr; *dxf,…
Automatic file import
Simply save or drag&drop your graphic files to the Ruby import folder. A shortcut to this folder is available in the Ruby® App.
Login not possible – Login Button stays grey
- Use only Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge Web-Browser. - Check in your Task bar if the Ruby® App is started.
Login not possible – Access Denied
Check for typos with your login password. Use copy & paste function from your welcome mail.
I cannot see all UI elements
Make sure your Windows Display Scaling is set to 100% with FullHD screen resolution (1920x1080). Depending on the computer, it might automatically recommend 125% or 150% by default.
What is the maximum possible file size when importing graphics into Ruby®?
The actual limit is at 1GB. As of Version Ruby® 2.5
Can I create jobs offline in Ruby® and then send them to my machine later?
Yes, you can use Ruby® locally on your PC independent from your machine
Where can I manage the users?
In the Ruby® UserManagement. See more here: https://www.troteclaser.com/en/learn-support/ruby-help/user-management
Can I create users from a database?
Users in Ruby® have to be added directly in the UserManagement. Ruby® 2.8 provides bulk management with CSV files.
Where can I see the production time for a job before I start it?
Simply click on the Clock symbol in the Prepare screen when de requested job is open. With Ruby® 2.8 job time can be automatically calculated when send to the laser.
Can I make a combinations of jobs - in Ruby®?
You can copy&paste designs from one job to another.
Where can I find the status messages about the machine?
The status messages can be seen on the produce screen at all time. Important messages or status changes are displayed as pop up notifications in the lower right corner.
What data can I export from Ruby®?
Designs (.TLD), Jobs (.TLJ) and Material parameters (.TLM) can be exported directly out of Ruby®
How are registration marks assigned to a print & cut job?
The color layer of the Regmarks have to be assigned to the print&cut process element in the material settings. See our tutorial: https://www.troteclaser.com/en/learn-support/ruby-help/printcut-operation
Can I integrate Ruby® into my webshop / order system?
Webshops can be integrated with the import folder function. In addition we are working on an API interface to integrate 3rd party systems.
Is there a nesting function in Ruby®?
A nesting functionality is available as a beta version since Ruby® 2.5
Do I get a notification when the lens needs to be cleaned?
Daily checks of lenses is mandatory. Ruby® reminds you on startup of the software in the form of a notification in the bottom right corner of the software.
Is there a BackUp function in Ruby®? Can I perform a restore?
It is possible to export Designs, Jobs,Materials and Users out of the Ruby® software.
I want to rename my designs when I import them into Ruby®.
Open the design and change the name in the upper right corner of the Design Screen.
Can I manually adjust the resolution for engraving?
In Laser parameter setting you can set the engraving resolution in categories. Ruby® will automatically fine adjust to individual machine resolution.
Can I delete all jobs from the Prepare at once?
It is possible to select all jobs on the manage screen and delete them at once.
Can I delete the files of users as Super Admin?
It is not possible to delete single files from other users. Superadmins can delete users and become the owner of their designs and jobs.
Can I enter the name of a new material when creating it?
Yes, the name of any material can be edited in the material database.
Can I crop images in Ruby®?
This is possible using the weld / trim functionallity. Direct image cropping is not available. Learn more: https://www.troteclaser.com/en/learn-support/ruby-help/dealing-with-images-in-ruby
Can I display the laser position in Ruby®?
The Laser position is shown with a cross hair on the produce screen as soon as the laser is switched on and the software is connected to it. In addition the coordinates are displayed at the bottom right corner of the canvas.
Does Ruby® display error codes in the design?
Error messages are displayed as pop up messages in the lower right corner of every Ruby® screen.
Can the air assist be increased through Ruby®?
Air-Assist on/off is software controlled. The air pressure needs to be adjusted manually with the rotary valve.
On a MAC OS system functions like copy/past with CMD+C or CMD+V are not working.
All short cuts for functions are working by using "CTRL+key" as discribed in "?" help function.
Ruby and JobControl®
Will Ruby® phase out JobControl® and if so, how fast?
JobControl® is and will still be functional with your lasers and supported by Trotec. The Ruby® upgrade is voluntary basis. Overall, the technology base for future developments will be Ruby®, as it allows functionalities that have not been possible in the past.
What data can I import from Job Control?
.TSF Files as well as material paramter xml files can be impored in Ruby®
Can I import .pjx files into Ruby®?
JobControl® plate files can not be imported into Ruby®
Ruby® and UMark
Will Ruby® phase out UMark?
UMark remains fully compatible and operational with your U300 marker. The Ruby® upgrade is optional. Moving forward, Ruby® serves as the foundational technology for future developments, enabling functionalities that were previously unattainable.