Having trouble connecting your PC to your laser?
Fix your connection problems in 3 easy steps
Have you received the following error notification: "connection to engraver is broken” in the JobControl® software? If so, the problem is probably the Windows settings for your USB connection. You can fix this problem by updating your settings in Windows. Below are three steps for establishing a functioning USB connection:

1. Go to the “control panel” menu and select the option “All system control elements” or "System and Security."

2. Go to the "Power options” tab and select “High performance."

3. In the tab "Device manager" select the USB interface you wish to use. Then go to “Energy management" and right-click on “Adjustments,” and deselect “Computer can switch off the device to save energy.”
Now re-connect the laser to your PC via the button in the JobContol® software. The problem should now be solved.