Trotec Laser Quality Control
Reliability and longevity
Trotec laser machines are synomous with reliability, trustworthy, and longevity, and are known for their rugged design. Before our customers receive their new Trotec laser machine, each unit will undergo rigorous quality testing which means our customers can rely on their machine to perform from day 1. Below are the details of our individual test steps.

Quality control in the production process
During production every Trotec laser machine undergoes a high number of quality control measures:
- Accurate adjustment of the laser beam for precise engraving results
- Measurement of evenness of the working table
- Pressure test of the working table
- Control of power supply voltage and electrical safety in accordance with E8701
- Endurance test of the x axis (for flatbed lasers)
Finally, we conduct an engraving test using standardised samples of coated metal to adjust the laser beam. The engraving quality is checked and approved against a reference sample from Quality Assurance.
Random sample testing by Quality Control
In addition to the routine test steps performed during production, 15% of our laser machines undergo quality control measures by our quality assurance staff. As a result of the double control during our production process, we can ensure the reliability of our laser machines with even more confidence.

Certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
Traceability for Trotec laser machines
Every Trotec laser machine and laser source are given individual serial numbers which allow us to quickly isolate the causes of any potential damage and correct problems immediately.
Because the reliability and durability of our laser machines are so important to our customers, that makes it important to us too. We reward our production staff with a special bonus based on the number of flawless laser machines the team produces. As this number increases, so does the bonus.
Certified according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001
Trotec’s production is certified according to the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards. The audit for maintenance of the certificates is annually performed by TÜV Austria.
Current Trotec ISO certificates include: