Focus Modes for Trotec Laser
Engraving and Cutting Machines
There are numerous factors that affect the quality of laser cutting and engraving results, such as selecting the correct focusing, lens, working tables and corresponding exhaust system. Selecting the correct setting of the focus, which means the right distance between the laser head and the material that is to be engraved, is a particularly crucial factor. This is why we offer different modes of focusing for our customers.

Sonar Technology
The Sonar TechnologyTM functions with an ultrasonic sensor on the laser head. This provides an incredibly precise and accurate distance measurement on every position of the working table. With a simple click of a button, the focus point is automatically calculated according to the lenses selected in the software and thus moves in the appropriate focus position.
We highly recommend using this focus mode with all sound reflective materials. The Sonar TechnologyTM is an incredibly efficient focus mode as it is very easy and flexible to use.

Light Bar Focus
The Light Bar Focus operates with sensors, otherwise known as light barriers, that are installed laterally in the enclosure. The processing table will move up if the autofocus on the keyboard of the laser system is activated. As soon as the material that you insert beforehand has passed the light barriers, the upward movement of the table will stop. This means that the focusing stage is complete and that you can proceed with laser processing.
We recommend the Light Bar Focus for flat, opaque materials where the material thickness is unknown.

Software Focus
The Software Focus is a useful method for automatically approaching the exact height of the work table. The bi-directional connection means that the computer knows exactly what what height the work table is positioned. By entering the material thickness and the type of lens used, the JobControl Software automatically calculates the optimal focus point. With the press of a button, the table will then move to the correct position.
We recommend using this mode for processing materials where the thickness is known (i.e. 6mm acrylic).

Focus Tool
The focus setting with the metal focus tool is easy and efficient. The operator simply hangs the focus tool on the laser head and then moves the working table manually until the surface of the workpiece that is to be engraved touches the focus tool. The right focus point is now set. It's that simple! The respective focus tool is pre-set to the focal length of the lenses and appropriately colour coded.
This method is particularly useful when you working with a variety of different materials. It can also be used for cylindrical objects and for materials where the thickness is unknown or cannot be measured.