
Vector Processing

Step-by-step guide to vector processing for laser machines using Ruby®

Creating a sample design

This example showcases the wide range of cutting possibilities available in Ruby. Each functionality demonstrated will be explained in detail later on this page.

To create a similar sample, start by importing or selecting an image and removing its background. Then, crop the image to the desired size. Use the trace image function to generate an outline and apply the offset feature to adjust the contour by a specific value. Modify the nodes for smoother cut lines. Finally, draw a rectangle and apply the union function to create a base for your engraved design.

Cut line definition and preparation in Ruby®

1. Defining a cut line:

  • Assign a "cut" effect to a specific color in the material parameter settings. All elements of your design with this color will be cut.
  • Both thin hairlines and thicker lines can be cut with the same precision, as the laser cuts in the middle of the drawn line.

2. Unfilled objects only:

  • Ensure all objects intended for cutting are unfilled. Filled objects are not recognized for cutting.
  • White lines in the design are ignored and will not be cut.

3. Geometry optimization:

  • Ruby® automatically closes small gaps in open contours using a feature called geometry optimization, ensuring smooth cutting paths.
  • If gaps are intentional (e.g., for scribing), disable this feature in the user preferences. Geometry optimization settings can be adjusted during file import, or when sending files to the laser queue.

4. Cut inner geometries first:

  • Enable the "inner geometries first" option in the prepare screen.
  • This ensures that inner shapes (e.g., holes) are cut before outer contours, preserving material stability.
  • The order of colours/layers of geometries assigned to the same process is ignored.

5. Common line cutting:

  • Use common line cutting to optimize material usage and save time.
  • Overlapping lines between adjacent shapes are cut only once.

Combining, modifying, and intersecting objects

1. Union tool

Combine two or more objects into one using the Union tool, regardless of whether the objects overlap. If the objects overlap, the intersecting lines will disappear, and filled objects will turn into outlines. If the objects do not overlap, a group is created that behaves like a single object. To use this tool, draw two designs, select them, and click the Union icon to create a continuous outline.

2. Intersect tool

Use the Intersect tool to create shapes from overlapping areas. Select the source object and press C. The outline will change to a dashed line. Then, select the object you want to intersect with. Clicking the Intersect icon will create a new object based on the overlapping areas. You can remove the source object if needed. Use difference tool

3. Difference tool

The Difference tool removes the areas overlapped by the source object, cutting away those sections to form a new shape. To apply, select the source object, press C to clip it with the object you want to cut, then click Difference. You can remove the target object if necessary.

4. Exclusion tool

The Exclusion tool works similarly to the Union tool but retains the intersecting lines. It removes the overlapping areas but keeps the lines where the objects intersect. Select the first object, press C, then select the second object. Clicking the Exclusion icon creates a single object without removing the intersecting line.

Bitmap tracing

Converting bitmaps into vectors

Ruby allows you to convert logos or bitmap images into vector graphics that can be cut. Bitmap tracing is the process of turning a raster graphic (such as a JPEG or PNG) into a vector graphic. This is useful for cutting or engraving, as vector graphics can be more precisely manipulated. The bitmap tracing function detects the edges within an image, making it ideal for creating silhouettes, vector textures, logos, and other designs from raster images.

  • Select or import the image you want to process.
    Ideally, remove any unwanted background using the “Remove background” function in Ruby®.
  • Click on the tracing icon to convert raster graphics into vector paths. Adjust tracing settings

​​​​​Outer contour only: When this option is selected, Ruby will only trace the outermost edge of the image, ignoring any inner details. If this option is unchecked, Ruby will trace all the edges in the image based on the other settings.

               1. Ignore custer size: This setting helps reduce noise by ignoring large groups of pixels with similar shades. Increasing this value makes Ruby disregard bigger clusters of pixels, which can improve the quality of the trace by eliminating unwanted details. If set to zero, Ruby traces every pixel, including noise. Increasing this value cleans up the image.

               2. Black and white threshold: This is a key setting that determines which grayscale values are treated as black and which are treated as white. Adjusting this slider will define the cutoff between light and dark areas in the image.
For example: Setting it to 50 will treat darker pixels as black and the rest as white. Setting it to 230 will treat almost all pixels as black.If you want to trace only the objects and avoid the background, lower the threshold (e.g., to 70). This helps focus on the key details while ignoring lighter background areas. Be cautious with this setting, as changing it too much can affect the trace quality, especially for complex images.

               3. Smoothen level: This setting helps smooth out the traced lines. If the lines appear jagged or angular, increasing the smoothen level can make them look smoother. However, be careful not to set the smoothen level too high, as it can distort the shapes.


  • Use high-contrast images. Ensure the image has distinct foreground and background separation. This simplifies tracing and reduces noise.
  • Alternatively, use the “remove background” feature in Ruby® to reduce the area to be traced.

Kerf correction

Adjusting your cut lines

When you cut materials with a laser, the beam removes part of the material, making the final cut slightly smaller than your design. Kerf correction compensates for this by adjusting your design. You can adjust the cut to either inside (inset) or outside (outset) of your design. This means you can either reduce the design size slightly (inset) or increase it (outset) to ensure the cut matches your intended dimensions.

  • Setting the compensation value: To define how much compensation you want, simply click on the arrow next to the setting and choose the value in millimeters (mm) or inches. This will adjust the cut path accordingly.
  • Applying the adjustment: Once you select the desired compensation, click on the object where the adjustment shall be applied to. The contour of your design will either expand (outset) or shrink (inset) based on your setting. This change applies to the selected path or object. Bear in mind Ruby® will replace the original object. To maintain the original shape, make a copy and apply the inset/outset on the copied object.


  • Kerf correction can be applied to filled or unfilled objects, as well as complex shapes. However, it cannot be applied to single lines or images.
  • Keep in mind that kerf correction is calculated based on the current state of your design, so it works immediately when applied. Unlike an undo/redo function, the correction is permanent once applied and cannot be reversed automatically.

Drawing paths

Draw straight lines and bézier curves

  • Activate the path tool: Click the Draw Path icon to open the path drawing widget. This allows you to customize snapping options for precise alignment.
  • Set Snapping preferences (optional):
    • snap angle to x-axis/y-axis/segment: Align paths with the x-axis, y-axis, or an existing segment for accurate proportions.
    • Snap values (angle/length): Define snapping increments, e.g., 45° or 100 mm. Paths will snap to these values or their multiples (e.g., 90°, 200 mm).
  • Start drawing: 
    • Straight lines:
      • Left-click to set the starting point.
      • Left-click again to add additional points and create line segments.
      • Right-click to finish the path.
    • Bézier curves:
      • Left-click to set the starting point.
      • Click-and-drag to bend the curve, then release.
      • Move to the next point or end the curve with a right-click.The drawn nodes are identified by different colors:
  • Node Colors and Meanings:
    • Black nodes: Regular path nodes.
    • Orange nodes: Bézier control points.
    • Green node: Start of the path.
    • Red node: End of the path.

Node editing

Editing nodes

Use the Node Editing Tool to move, add, or delete nodes for precise adjustments. The node editing widget opens automatically after drawing or when selecting a vector object.

Important notes: Node editing works only on vector objects. To edit complex shapes, convert them into vectors first clicking on the icon.

Snapping options:

  • Enable snapping: Maintains alignment and proportions while moving nodes.
  • Show angles and lengths: Displays information about angles and distances between nodes.
  • Snap values (angle/length): Snaps node positions to specified increments (e.g., 5° or 5 mm).
  • The following combinations are available:
    • x-axis / next node
      • shows an auxiliary x-axis line on the next node
      • shows angle between the current segment and this x-axis line
    • x-axis / previous node
      • shows an auxiliary x-axis line on the previous node
      • shows angle between the current segment and this x-axis line
    • y-axis / previous node
      • shows an auxiliary x-axis line on the next node
      • shows angle between the current segment and this y-axis line
    • y-axis / previous node
      • shows an auxiliary x-axis line on the previous node
      • shows angle between the current segment and this y-axis line
    • segment / next node
      • shows angle between the current segment and the next segment
    • segment / previous node
      • shows angle between the current segment and the next segment

Path-specific options:

  • Closed Paths: Connects the start and end nodes with a straight line.
  • Lock Adjacent Control Points: Links Bézier control points for smooth curves.
  • Toggle Visibility: Hide or show Bézier control points or start/end nodes.

Editing paths

  • Modify nodes:
    • X/Y Values: Dynamically update as nodes are moved. You can also input exact coordinates for precision.
    • Add point: Add a node to a segment using Shift + Left-Click.
    • Delete point: Remove a node by selecting it and right-clicking.
  • Convert Paths:
    • Convert to curve: Turns straight segments into Bézier curves.
    • Break path: Splits the path into two separate segments at the selected node.

Final Tips:

  • Use snapping options and node tools together for clean and precise designs.
  • Combine different path options to suit your project needs (e.g., toggling visibility, locking control points).

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