Anniversary trophy combining different Trotec materials

Anniversary trophy combining different Trotec materials
Are you interested in making an extraordinary trophy that you can personalize for your customers' needs?
We can help you! Use our versatile material combinations available on our website.
Required material
- 1 sheet of solid wood walnut 23.5'' x 11.75''
- 1/4 sheet TroGlass Metallic, Bright Silver
- 1/4 sheet TroGlass Clear, 5mm
- 1/4 sheet TroGlass Clear, 20mm
- 1 package signage wall mounts S15-15-FK
- 1 Aluminum tag in silver with ball chain
- Glue dots, double-sided adhesive tape or acrylic glue
Machine used
- Speedy 360
- 100 Watt
- 2" lens
- Vacuum table with acrylic cutting grid for TroGlass
- Aluminum cutting grid or honeycomb cutting table for wood cutting
This trophy can be made with any of our laser machines.
- Glue was not used to put the pieces together, therefore it is important to focus on the kerf. If necessary, you can cut a small geometry with the parameters you want to use on the material and measure the dimensions. You can then adapt the kerf accordingly.
- The laser parameters used may vary depending on the machine used and the available laser power.
Step by step

Material 1: Wood
mport our design and adapt it if needed or create your own file. We chose seven pillars for this trophy, but you can adapt the number to your customers' requirements or personal taste.
1. Print settings
Start cutting the wood and send the job to the laser using the following settings:
Process mode | Resolution | Cut line |
Standard | 500 dpi | none |
Halftone | Others |
Color | Optimized geometries, inner geometries first |
2. Laser process and laser parameters wood
Put the wood into the laser and activate the vacuum to compensate for eventual unevenness.
Color | Process | Power (%) | Speed (%) | ppi/Hz |
red | Cut CO2 | 100 | 0.8 | 1000 |
Passes | Air Assist | Z-Offset | Advanced |
1 | on | - | - |
We used the standard laser parameters for walnut solid wood.

Material 2: Acrylic 20 mm
The next step is to produce the base and the upper connectors. We used 20 mm acrylic. However, you can also replace it with (several) thinner acrylic elements.
Measure the thickness of the wood parts before you cut the acrylic pieces. Adapt the notches if necessary.
1. Print settings
Send the job to your laser using following settings:
Process mode | Resolution | Cut line |
Standard | 500 dpi | none |
Halftone | Others |
Color | Optimized geometries, inner geometries first |
2. Laser process and laser parameters Acrylic 20 mm
We cut the acrylic with the SP1500 with 400 watt laser power. Use the 5" lens and focus 4 mm into the material.
The slot in the upper connector is used to insert the ball chain. Adapt the engraving depth if necessary.
Color | Process | Power (%) | Spped (%) | ppi/Hz |
red | Cut CO2 | 35 | 0,2 | 2000 |
Passes | Air Assist | Z-Offset | Advanced |
1 | on | 4 mm | - |
Replace the 20 mm acrylic by material of up to 10 mm thickness and cut it with your Speedy machine. Use the standard parameters optimized for quality and a 2.5" lens.

Material 3: TroGlass Metallic
The middle part can of course be made out of any other TroGlass colours or other materials. You can also add a logo if you wish.
1. Print settings
Send the file to your laser using following settings:
Process mode | Resolution | Cut line |
Standard | 500 dpi | none |
Halftone | Others |
Color | Optimized geometries, inner geometries first |
2. Laser process and laser parameters TroGlass Metallic
Depending on how you want to fix the TroGlass Metallic onto the 20 mm base, you can put some double-sided adhesive foil on it before cutting.
Color | Process | Power (%) | Speed (%) | ppi/Hz |
red | Cut CO2 | 40 | 0,2 | 5000 |
Passes | Air Assist | Z-Offset | Advanced |
1 | on | - | - |
We used the standard laser parameters for TroGlass optimized for quality.

Material 4: Acrylic 5 mm
Like with the other materials, measure the thickness of the wood and adapt the kerf if necessary.
1. Print settings
Send the job to the laser.
Process mode | Resolution | Cut line |
Standard | 500 dpi | none |
Halftone | Others |
Color | OPtimized geometris, inner geometries first |
2. Laser process and laser parameters Acrylic 5 mm
Put the acrylic on the acrylic cutting grid table.
Color | Process | Power (%) | Speed (%) | ppi/Hz |
red | Cut CO2 | 85 | 0,2 | 20000 |
Passes | Air Assist | Z-Offset | Advanced |
1 | on | -1,5 mm | - |
We used the standard parameters for TroGlass Clear 5 mm optimized for quality.

Material 5: Aluminum tag
The aluminum tag is a unique place to highlight the achievements of the honoured person. You can use tags in other colours and shapes or even other materials like TroLase or AlumaMark for this interesting detail.
1. Print settings
Send the job to your laser with the following settings:
Process mode | Resolution | Cut line |
Standard | 500 dpi | none |
Halftone | Others |
Color | - |
2. Laser process and laser parameters Aluminum tag
Position the tag in the laser. Use the 1.5" lens to show the fine details. Our parameters can vary depending on the laser machine used and the available laser power. We used the SpeedMarker with MOPA laser for the black marking on the back.
For the exact position of the graphic on the work piece, you can use a template or the simple positioning aids of JobControl® software
Color | Process | Power (%) | Speed (%) | ppi/Hz |
black | Engrave CO2 | 10 | 20 | 500 |
Passses | Air Assist | Z-Offset | Advanced |
1 | on | - | High quality |

In order to put the trophy together, start with the wood material and put them in the connector. Before adding the last elements, thread the ball chain with the aluminum tag and position the lock in the slot. Then you put the lower parts of the wood elements into the 5 mm acrylic.
Mount the signage by fixing the elements with glue dots using the creased marks on the TroGlass Metallic. Tighten the screws. Finally, glue the TroGlass Metallic piece onto the acrylic base.
Et Voilà - this original trophy is ready.
As a special design element, we created a movable globe, which is an extra highlight for this trophy. Get the step-by-step instruction for the acrylic globe here.
This is a sample for advanced laser users. With just a few adaptions this trophy can be partly produced in advance and adapted to your customers' requirements.