Weinbox aus Holz

Weinbox aus Holz

Wir zeigen Ihnen Schritt-für-Schritt, wie Sie mithilfe Ihrer Trotec Lasermaschine eine praktische Weinschachtel aus Trotec Furnierholz selbermachen können.


Required material
  • 1 sheet of Trotec veneer walnut, 3 mm
  • 1 sheet of Trotec veneer birch, 3 mm 
  • Jute yarn for the handle
  • Ev. TroMask masking tape
Used machine
  • Speedy 100
  • 60 watts
  • 2" lens
  • Honeycomb Tabletop

The wine box can of course also be produced with all other machines of the Speedy laser engravers.

  • Cover the working area completely with paper. By doing this even slightly bent sheets get flat.
  • Use a 2" lens to compensate differences in material thickness

Schritt für Schritt

Schritt 1


Import our template and adapt it to your requirements.

Our template is designed for a standard 0.75l wine bottle. Check the dimensions of the box and your chosen bottle before cutting the individual parts. Adjust the graphic if necessary. 

In Ruby, split our template into 2 separate designs, one birch and one walnut. This will make them fit the size of the wood panels perfectly.

With "Create job" move the design to the "Prepare" screen. 

Schritt 2

Laser process

If you want to use masking tape, put it on the wood sheets. This reduces cleaning afterwards. 
Place the job to the desired position in Ruby® and adapt the settings. Put the material into the laser. 
The laser parameters may vary depending on the type of laser machine and available laser power.
Send the job to the "Queue" for Laser processing.

Wood is a natural product. It characteristics can vary. We recommend to test the parameters before you produce the work piece.

Inner geometries first: On
Skip overlapping cut lines: On

Effect Engrave Quality
Process Engrave
Layers black
Power (%) 80
Speed (%) 50
DPI 500
Source CO2
Air Assist On
Z-offset 6mm
Passes 1
Power Correction 0
Direction Top down
Dithering Ordered
Engraving Mode Standard
Choose High Quality 

Wood Veneer Birch

Effect Cut Quality
Process Cut
Layers red
Power (%) 100
Speed (%) 0.7
Hz 1000
Source CO2
Air Assist On
Z-offset 0
Passes 1
Power Correction 0
Pathplanning Throughput

Wood Veneer Walnut 

Effect Cut Quality
Process Cut
Layers red
Power (%) 100
Speed (%) 0.8
Hz 1000
Source CO2
Air Assist On
Z-offset 0
Passes 1
Power Correction 0
Pathplanning Throughput
Schritt 3


Clean the cut pieces with a damp cloth.If you used Marking tape, simply remove it. This reduces cleaning.  All you need for the assembly are the wooden parts and a little bit of dexterity. The individual pieces are put together one by one resulting in a finished wine box.

Inspiration für verschiedene Weinboxen


  • Die Box eignet sich hervorragend als personalisiertes Geschenk. Sie können die Box auf Vorrat produzieren und ganz einfach nachträglich individualisieren.

  • Durch die Vielfalt des Trotec Holzsortiments ergibt sich eine Vielzahl von Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten.

Speedy Serie
Der ideale Lasergravierer und -schneider für die Personalisierung.

Entdecken Sie Lasergravierer und -schneider

Fragen zu Anwendungen oder Einstellungen?
Wir beraten Sie gerne von A wie Air Assist bis Z wie Z-Offset.

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