cardboard christmas tree laser cutter

Lasercut and engraved
Christmas trees

Step by step guide


Big Christmas Tree
  • Required material: 5mm corrugated cardboard
  • Trotec laser used: SP500, 200 watts
Small Christmas Tree
  • Required material: 2mm corrugated cardboard
  • Trotec laser used: Speedy 300, 30 watts, 2.0 inch lens


Şimdi indirin
Cardboard Christmas Tree


Şimdi indirin

Adım Adım

lasercut christmas tree
Adım 1

Step 1: Big Christmas Tree

We used a SP500 to cut our Christmas tree and 5 pieces 1300 x 750 mm cardboard. You can customize the design of the tree according to your wishes - let your imagination run wild! After cutting out the parts you need to put them together. This guide shows them how to assemble the tree. Download the manual here.

Furthermore this tree can be decorated with classic Christmas balls - of course it is also very decorative without any balls or glitter.

Adım 2

Step 2: Laser Parameters for the big tree (5mm cardboard)

Laser Settings

Cutting: Power: 85% - Speed: 2% - Frequency: 1000 Hz - Air-Assist: ON - Z-Offset: -1.5mm


The tree is connected without any glue or hooks, so you can take the parts apart again and use the tree for next year.

Cardboard decoration
Adım 3

Step 3: Small decoration tree

This small Christmas tree is made of two parts, which are plugged into each other. You can choose the size of the Christmas tree as you like – for example our trees on the photo are 12 cm high.

Adım 4

Step 4: Laser Parameters for the small tree (2mm cardboard)

Laser Settings

Engraving: Power: 40% - Speed: 100% - Frequency: 500ppi - Z-Offset: 6mm -Air-Assist: ON
Cutting: Power: 20% - Speed: 1% - Frequency: 1000 Hz - Air-Assist: ON


Use the vacuum table with the honeycumb tabletop for cutting and engraving the cardboard.

Speedy serisi
Kişiselleştirme için ideal lazer kazıma ve kesim makinesi.

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Air assist için A’dan, z ofset için Z’ye kadar size tavsiyede bulunmaktan mutluluk duyarız.

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