Mother's Day: Bouquet of flowers from TroGlass
Materials required
- TroGlass Clear 5mm
- TroGlass 3mm in different colours for leaves, flowers and vase with self adhesive tape
- Aluminium Tag Heart
Laser engraving machine used:
- Speedy 400 laser engraver
- 100 watts
- 2" lens
- Aluminium Cutting Grid Table or Acrylic Gutting Grid
Step by step

Import our template, adapting it to your requirements.
For the perfect fit, check the contour of the aluminium tag before cutting the vase.
With "Create job" move the design to the "Prepare" screen.
Laser process
Place the jobs for the different materials to the desired position and adapt the settings.
The laser parameters will vary depending on your laser engraving machine and the available laser power.
Send the job to the "Queue" for Laser processing.
Tip: For an even better finish engrave the TroGlass Clear sheet from the back.
Inner geometries first: On
Skip overlapping cut lines: On
Metal Anodized Aluminium
Effect | Engrave Quality |
Process | Engrave |
Layers | black |
Power (%) | 30 |
Speed (%) | 50 |
DPI | 500 |
Source | CO2 |
Air Assist | On |
Z-offset | - |
Passes | 1 |
Power Correction | 10 |
Direction | Bottom up |
Dithering | None |
Engraving Mode | Standard |
High Quality |
Acryl TroGlass Clear
Effect | Engrave Quality |
Process | Engrave |
Layers | black |
Power (%) | 12 |
Speed (%) | 20 |
DPI | 500 |
Source | CO2 |
Air Assist | On |
Z-offset | 1 |
Passes | 1 |
Power Correction | 10 |
Direction | Bottom up |
Dithering | None |
Engraving Mode | Standard |
High Quality |
Effect | Cut quality |
Process | Cut |
Layers | red |
Power (%) | 60 |
Speed (%) | 0,2 |
Hz | 20000 |
Source | CO2 |
Air Assist | On |
Z-offset | -1.5 |
Passes | 1 |
Power Correction | 10 |
Path Planning | Accuracy |
Effect | Engrave Quality |
Process | Engrave |
Layers | black |
Power (%) | 23 |
Speed (%) | 50 |
DPI | 500 |
Source | CO2 |
Air Assist | On |
Z-offset | 1 |
Passes | 1 |
Power Correction | 10 |
Direction | Bottom up |
Dithering | None |
Engraving Mode | Standard |
High Quality |
Effect | Cut quality |
Process | Cut |
Layers | red |
Power (%) | 40 |
Speed (%) | 0,2 |
Hz | 5000 |
Source | CO2 |
Air Assist | On |
Z-offset | 0 |
Passes | 1 |
Power Correction | 10 |
Path Planning | Standard |
Glue the acrylic pieces together. Start with the flowers and attach them to the green acrylic. Then a glue the green and after that the brown acrylic to the front side of the TroGlass Clear. Finally, place it in the foot part.
The Aluminium tag fits over the engraving on the bottom part, and will be partially held by the brown acrylic.

For this application you can also use different colours or materials. Let your creativity run free.