Is laser marking and laser engraving metal possible?
Marking and engraving with a Trotec laser machine
Yes. You can label different types of metal with Trotec laser machines. The laser technology enables metal marking through different methods: Annealing marking, engraving and removing. We explain all three methods in more detail below. The condition is that you have a fiber laser marking or engraving machine. Check out more about different laser types or contact us for more information about fiber lasers.
Laser marking with a fiber laser
With a fiber laser source such as a those included in Speedy flexx engravers or SpeedMarker series laser markers, different types of marking are possible. Below is a description of the different types.

Metal marking method 1: Annealing
During annealing, you work with a defocused laser beam, which allows you to introduce only low heat into the material. This heat output leads to local change in the structure of a metal, resulting in recolouring of the material. The surface is not damaged, remaining smooth and clean. Depending on the temperature, the process can generate deep black or different colours. The marking disappears again when the metal is heated to about 200°C.

Metal marking method 2: Engraving
During laser engraving, more energy is introduced than with annealing, leading to material vaporisation and local depressions in the surface. These inscriptions have a long life and are extremely abrasion resistant.

Metal marking method 3: Removing
In the case of coated metals like anodised aluminium, the top material layer is removed by laser processing. This process can be carried out at high speeds. With a suitable choice of the top layer, high contrast markings are achieved with this method.
Is metal suitable for laser engraving with a CO2 source?
Bare metals can be marked with a CO2 laser however they require laser marking solutions such as paste, spray or tape. These solutions are applied to the workpiece and are burnt into the material during the laser processing. After the laser process, the remainder of the marking paste must be washed off. This allows you to achieve high contrasts on metals with weak absorption with a CO2 laser.
Trotec laser marking solutions