
Admittedly, switching to new laser software can be difficult. Familiar processes change, files no longer work. "Never change a running system"? We do understand!

But why should you switch to Ruby® anyway? The three points afterwards shall explain the reasons why.

You can use Ruby® and JobControl® in parallel.

There's no risk if you create a free Ruby® account now. You’ll gradually familiarize yourself with Ruby®, going at your own pace. And if you want to go back to using JobControl®, you can simply switch back.

With Ruby®, you design efficiently and work productively.

Decades of experience with tens of thousands of customers have taught us which functions are most relevant for laser processing. All that experience finds expression in Ruby®. Here are a few examples:

  • Customer data (e.g. PDF, CDR, TSF, AI, etc.) can be adapted and prepared for the laser process directly in Ruby®. This saves time in print preparation.
  • Graphics and laser operation can be done separately. This saves money on expensive graphics licenses.

No more time-consuming setting of line width laser parameters. You can simply select the material and desired material effect, such as dark engraving or kiss cut.

Trendsetting and cost-free.

Ruby® is the laser software of the future. Several times a year, there are new releases with more functions and improvements.

You’d like to find out more about the functions of Ruby®?

Read more

To visualize how efficiently you can work with Ruby®, look at the three examples :

Example 1: Text change necessary.

Example 2: Design element must be changed to cut line.

Example 3: Additional Graphic element needed.

From JobControl® to Ruby® in four steps

Step 1

Update JobControl® to the current version (currently 11.4.4)

Step 2

Download and install Ruby®. Your material database and machine configuration will be automatically imported into Ruby®.

Step 3

Register and create an account. You will automatically receive your Ruby® login data, including a password.

Step 4

Log in and get started!

Step 1

Update JobControl® to the current version (currently 11.4.4)

Step 2

Download and install Ruby®. Your material database and machine configuration will be automatically imported into Ruby®.

Step 3

Register and create an account. You will automatically receive your Ruby® login data, including a password.

Step 4

Log in and get started!

You want to simplify your workflow?
Get your laser software Ruby®.

For a seamless workflow.
Start your digital journey now.

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