
CO₂ Configuration for Organic Materials

Fast and efficient marking of textile, leather, wood, paper, cardboard and acrylics.

Efficiently Mark Medium and Large Batches

The SpeedMarker CO2 models are ideal for processing large volumes of organic workpieces. A single system can mark all of the materials that are traditionally processed using flatbed CO2 lasers — wood, fabric, acrylic, and stone, just to name a few. However, what gives the SpeedMarker an advantage over these machines is its unparalleled speed and accuracy.

User-Friendly Workflow Automation

Trotec's SpeedMark® laser software enables users to easily create automatic sequences without the need to code. For instance, name lists and serial numbers can be imported and processed in order. The software also allows users to mark multiple small pieces in a single pass via its built-in Array function.

SpeedMark® can also accommodate customization. Users can write and edit their code to optimize workflows, connect the SpeedMarker to other devices, and create custom user screens.

Pinpoint Precision

Thanks to their specially designed optical components, SpeedMarker laser systems are able to rapidly produce consistent, high-quality markings. In addition, the SpeedMarkers' high focus tolerance offers allows users to easily process curved workpieces.

SpeedMarker series
Industrial marking of individual components as well as large batches.

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