Price of a Trotec laser machine
Factors influencing the price

Configuration and equipment determine the price.
Many interested parties ask us about the price of our laser machines. Each machine is individually configured according to the requirements of our customers, so we cannot specify standard prices on our website. The question of the price of a laser machine is similar to the price of a vehicle. Without knowing whether the customer needs a sports car or a truck, you can’t make a general statement about this.
We take a closer look at the pricing in this FAQ: We explain the most important factors influencing pricing, such as laser power, the size of the work surface, and the accessories (e.g. exhaust system).

Laser type: What do you want to process?
The first question is which materials you want to process with the laser. These define the laser type: if you use organic materials such as e.g. wood, paper, or glass, a CO2 laser source is recommended. A fiber laser is used for the direct marking of metals. If you process both organic materials and metals, we offer a flexx laser – with both laser sources in one machine. The laser type is again an important factor for pricing.
Further information on which laser type can process which materials can be found here: Which materials can a laser engrave, cut, and mark?

Laser power: How many pieces need to be produced?
The higher the laser power, the faster you can cut and engrave with your laser machine. In this way, you can reduce your production times per workpiece or increase your quantities and productivity. Another advantage of high laser power is the ability to process thicker materials with your laser. Based on the respective application, it is important to determine the optimal laser power for your requirements.
You can find out more in our FAQ: What laser power do I need for my application?

Work area: How big are your workpieces?
The size of the processing table plays an important role in pricing. The more space available for material processing, the more applications can be lasered in one step. You can also process larger workpieces with a large work area. In order to be able to optimally define the work area, the size of the material to be processed or the end product is again decisive.
Accessories & equipment: How would you like it?
A laser machine is rarely supplied without customized accessories – how varied your applications are determines how varied the accessories and additional equipment are. Here are the most popular extra features chosen by our customers:

Processing tables:
If you engrave thin materials (e.g. paper, film, textiles), we recommend using a vacuum table. This holds the material in position and ensures a uniform, even surface. When cutting acrylic, the acrylic cutting grid table achieves the best results.

Exhaust system:
Laser processing produces smoke and gases that must be removed from the processing room. In some cases, odors have to be neutralized using filters. We offer a range of exhaust systems for these tasks.

Rotary engraving attachment:
The rotary engraving attachment is ideal for laser engraving round, cylindrical or conical objects. When the rotary engraving attachment is inserted, the axis movement in the Y direction is replaced by a rotary movement.

Depending on the material thickness or desired engraving accuracy, different lenses are needed. We have compiled all the information for Choosing the right lens in these Tips & Tricks.

Operating costs : what happens after the purchase?
If you buy cheaply, you pay dearly. Because not only the acquisition costs are relevant, but also the costs for installation, ongoing maintenance and service. It makes a big difference whether a laser is practically maintenance-free for 10 years or if expensive components have to be replaced within the first two years. Trotec laser machines are extremely durable for 10 years.
See for yourself in our FAQ : What is the working life of a Trotec Laser?
In addition, we offer you worldwide customer service with numerous local support points. Our short response times mean we can minimize machine downtime.
You can find out about our special service packages in our FAQs : Are there service contracts for Trotec laser machines?
Interview with laser expert: "What are the costs of a laser system?"
This is one out of 10 questions you should ask yourself before buying a laser machine.
In this video session our Regional Director EMEA - Martin Horne - explains what costs need to be considered when investing in a laser system.