Now Launched! - Ruby for SP500 laser cutter
Ruby now also for SP500 laser cutter, language update and many more improvements

Use Ruby for your SP500 laser cutter
You can now use your SP500 laser cutter with Ruby and benefit from all innovations Ruby brings to your laser system. Such as direct import of pdf, svg, png, jpg cut files or the use of hot folders.
Have you already installed Ruby?

Use Ruby with your Mac
The latest release of Ruby laser software is compatible with Mac systems-- allowing you to use your Mac to manage, create and prepare jobs using the Ruby platform, and send them directly to the laser.
Connect all your laser with Ruby remote access
Ruby 1.1 also provides you with remote access to your production PC from any computer within your network with just one click. You can use Ruby with any operating system. All you need is a Windows PC with Ruby by your laser.

Produce more detailed photos in shorter time
If you are doing lots of photo engraving, you will love this next improvement. Because the new Ruby framework architecture does not include a printer driver, rasterization is optimized for laser job preparation, and done on the fly at the end of the process. This saves time for every single photo engraving, and raises the quality of the finished item.
Directly import svg files
Direct file import has offered great value to our customers from Ruby's initial release. We are happy that from now on, svg files with text can also be imported directly. You can even modify files and edit text without switching to other programs. All you need for this is Ruby.
Use hot folder import
With the new release, you can save files directly from your graphic editor to the hot folder, and they will be automatically imported to Ruby. You can fill your hot folders even if Ruby is not running. As soon as you start Ruby, all files from the hot folder will be imported automatically.
Fast and precise positioning of designs
The new Ruby release includes markers that allow you to quickly and easily set predefined snap points for fast allignment of different objects.
Benefit from knowledge base within Ruby
Access the global Ruby knowledge base now available with the 1.1 release, and benefit from one central point of information with latest online documentation. This helps you use Ruby more efficiently.
There have a lot more of improvements been done
- Greyscale a vector: Greyscale vector objects anytime directly in Ruby to produce more diverse material effects
- Auto name jobs: automatically name your job after your design
- Sample designs: quick start Ruby with some sample designs
- Reset password: reset your super admin password at any time
- Repeat or start with your laser keypad: repeat and start jobs from the queue directly with your laser keypad (50%)