
Kitchen utensils with a personalized message.

See how you can position and engrave graphics even faster with the new Vision Design&Position option.


Used material:
  • various wooden cooking utensils
Machine used:
This sample can of course also be made with all other machines of the Speedy laser engraver series that are equipped with Vision Design&Position. Otherwise, measure the position beforehand and place the graphic in your software as usual.
Kitchen utensils with personalized message


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Step by step

Step 1

Step 1: Design

Import our template and adapt it to your requirements.

With "Create job" move the design to the "Prepare" screen. 

Step 2

Step 2: Laser process

With the help of the lid camera place the job to the desired position on the cooking spoon and adapt the settings.

The laser parameters may vary depending on the type of laser machine and available laser power.

Send the job to the "Queue" for Laser processing.

Effect Engrave Dark
Process Engrave
Layers black
Power (%) 30
Speed (%) 50
DPI 500
Source CO₂
Air Assist On
Z-offset +1,5 mm
Passes 1
Power Correction 20
Direction top down
Dithering Ordered
Engraving Mode Standard

Speedy series
The ideal laser engraver and cutter for personalization.

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Questions about applications or settings?
We're happy to advise you from A for Air assist to Z for z-offset.

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