TroGlass acrylic sheets in trendy new color variations
Glamorous, down-to-earth - or both?
We have added new products to two of our popular lines of acrylic laser and engraving sheets. With our new TroGlass Pastel earth tones, and TroGlitter dots products, you can delight your customers by adding some glamour, or keep things down to earth.

New acrylic sheets in muted earth tones.
Our new TroGlass earth tones are cast acrylic engraving sheets in rich, muted colors. One glossy side and one matte side of the surface provide you even more interesting options. The high-quality material is color stable with no bleaching or fading, making them ideal for visual communication signs, shop fittings, gifts, and countless types of decoration applications.

TroGlitter with the extra special.
Want to offer your customers more glitter and glamour? We are offering three new variations of TroGlitter Dots to our range, that will do just that. TroGlitter Dots are cast acrylic laser and engraving sheets with added glitter confetti that add sparkle and shine to items such as creative décor, specialty signs, POS displays, and many more eye-catching applications.

Make your own Happy birthday cake topper.
Offer glamorous cake toppers in the new TroGlitter variants. Download the design file below to make your own.

Tips and tricks for processing TroGlitter
On our website you will find numerous tips and tricks for processing acrylic sheets.
One special recommendation for our new TroGlitter Dots colors: The glitter particles should be on the bottom side when cutting.