Ruby® 2.7 – 08.11.2023
New functions:
Processing dynamic data
With the cutting-edge Version 2.7 update, you can effortlessly import data from CSV files directly into laser jobs. This feature is a game-changer for producing nameplates, type labels, or custom promotional materials with Ruby®. For an in-depth explanation of this helpful function, we encourage you to watch our video tutorial accessible within the Ruby® help center (link to tutorial).
Note: In release 2.7 this is a Beta function. So please make sure that it is activated in the settings.
Move laser head to exact coordinates
Within the Prepare screen, you have the capability to input the X and Y coordinates for the laser head. Upon entering the respective values on the Preparation Screen, the laser head will initiate movement to the designated coordinates. This functionality enables precise positioning and facilitates the establishment of markers, among other applications. Please be advised that this feature is exclusively accessible for machines that do not utilize the Run on Ruby® systems.
Recognition of the lens used
On the touch display of Run on Ruby® machines you will find the new lens detection feature. When the function is started, the laser head moves to the reading position below the Vision Design & Position camera. The detected lens is displayed and changed by confirmation in the Ruby® Settings. This allows the lens exchange to be recorded directly on the touch display in Ruby®. There is no need to go to the computer.
Available for Speedy 400 and Speedy 360 Run on Ruby® with Vision Design & Position camera. Prerequisite is a current lens holder with Trotec QR code.
Note: When changing the lens - whether on the touch display or in the settings - the jobs in the queue are deleted.

Improvements and updates:
Changes in the Settings menu
The Settings menu has now been divided into categories. This allows you to reach the desired settings more quickly and easily.
In addition, with the new version of Ruby® the X and Y offset can be set directly by the user (No Trotec service technician is needed anymore).

R/Q Series fully supported
Release 2.7 of Ruby® ends the beta phase for R and Q series lasers. The two machine series are now fully supported.
Signed installer
Ruby® now has a signed installer. This means that when you download and install, it is no longer classified as “unknown”. This means that you need fewer steps during installation and manual update.
Notable bugfixes:
- Error when using the round engraving device on R400 and Q400 is now fixed. Firmware update to version is necessary.
Known Issues:
- On machines without electronic Z-axis (R500, Q500) Z-offset can be set for the material. This causes an error message "Z-axis position cannot be reached" and the job is aborted. To remedy this, set the Z offset in the material to 0 and restart the job.