Following the success in 2018, Christmas shoppers can once again treat their loved ones to a customised tin of Nestlé's Quality Street chocolates.
While choosing which Quality Street favourites to fill the 1kg tin with, staff at selected Sainsbury's and John Lewis branches across the UK will personalise the lid using Trotec's entry level laser engraver for the job.

In the blink of an eye, the desktop laser engraves names up to 9 characters to complete the perfect personalised gift, ready to be put under the tree. The efficient extraction system removes all debris produced when laser engraving the iconic chocolate tin lid, leaving a perfectly smooth finish.
Nestlé have started a tour of 16 Sainsbury's stores across the UK, while 17 John Lewis branches have set up "Choose Your Favourites" pop-up stations. For more information about where to obtain a personalised Quality Street tin, see Nestlé's website for details.

Trotec's compact laser cutter
The entry level laser is a compact cutter and engraver which is well suited to retail environments where space is a premium. The laser system features a CO2 laser source, perfect for engraving personalised messages on to objects made from wood, coated metal, card, plastic, stone and other materials.
With a highly skilled UK support team and enhanced service packages available, a Trotec laser makes the perfect choice for high-street and online retailers looking for a reliable laser supplier.