Quality, intuitive operation, and security are a must at UniBw Munich.

University of Armed Forces Munich (UniBw M).
Founded in 1973 at the behest of the then Federal Minister of Defense, Helmut Schmidt, The University of Armed Forces Munich (UniBw M) was originally known as "Hochschule der Bundeswehr München". It is one of two universities operated by the Bundeswehr to train its officer candidates and young officers, with around 3,000 students currently enrolled. More than 1,400 employees are involved in research and teaching.
The institution is also committed to inclusion and works closely with Pfennigparade Munich, so that people can do internships at the university and in some cases get an outsourced job at the university, regardless of appearance, language or disability.
High-quality laser engraving with intuitive operation.
In the area of printing and binding, bachelor's, master's and trimester theses are printed and bound, and a laser engraving machine is used to personalise book covers are engraved quickly and accurately.
Staff from Pfennigparade München are also employed in this production area, which required a laser engraver that was easy and safe to use while accessible to those with disabilities.
In addition to the quality and handling of the machine, the immediate proximity of the Trotec site was very important to us. Should there be a defect, a service technician is quickly around.
Speedy 360 meets high requirements.
A demonstration at Trotec's showroom showed that the Speedy 360 laser engraver perfectly met the requirements for safety and repeatability. Once defined, optimum laser engraving parameters for multipliable jobs are saved in the JobControl laser software and can be used again as required.
Additional added value means that new projects such as high-quality Christmas cards can also be quickly created.