Le Petit Coco: Delivering baby products with a Dutch style.

About Le Petit Coco.
Le Petit Coco is a new brand of baby products available on the Benelux market. Sharon Veenendaal founded the company that designs and creates its own range of products as well as personalising products for customers. The philosophy of Le Petit Coco is about class, simplicity and minimalism. During pregnancy and also maternity Sharon received gifts that were mainly minimalistic in appearance, inspiring her to found her own business.
“I want to add a touch of style to the minimalism that is now everywhere in baby products'', Sharon says.

A reliable supplier for laser machines and materials.
Le Petit Coco was looking for the ideal laser machine for personalising and designing baby products. Sharon needed a laser engraver that was not only fast, but was able to deliver high quality engraving results. Sharon also placed importance on her chosen provider having a reputation for excellent and fast service and offered materials.
I love the fact that Trotec is a one stop shop that not only sells lasers but also gift products and laser materials. We make good use of this as all our materials come from Trotec.

Speedy 100 laser engraving machine and Trotec materials - the perfect match for creativity and future growth.
As a former Trotec employee, there was no other choice of laser supplier for Sharon, it had to be a Trotec laser engraving machine. Sharon decided to invest in the Speedy 100 laser engraver and cutter and was overwhelmed by the machine’s flexibility and reliability.
"From birth announcements, nameplates, wardrobe labels to personalising thermos flasks ... nothing seems impossible for the Speedy 100," says Sharon.