model building laser cutting

Modelmaker House

Step by step guide

In this tutorial we will show you how to create a small model house from a range of different materials. This model is not only attractive to look at but also practical: There is room for 4 pens and an extra compartment for business cards. For this model house you will need two different types of cardboard as well as acrylic, wood and TroLase. The assembly of the parts may seem a little bit complicated at first, however, it isn't. See for yourself!


Required material
Used Trotec Laser
  • Speedy 360
  • 80 watts
  • 1.5 inch lens


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Step by step

Step 1

Step 1: Laser process

In the text the individual parameters are referenced for you. You will also find our downloads at the bottom of this page. There you can find all of the parameters used in an .xml file, which can be imported into JobControl®. This saves time and there is no need to retype individual values!

small model house from a range of different materials
Step 2

Step 2: Black cardboard – body of the house​

When laser cutting and engraving the body of the house, it is very important to ensure that the table's exhaust system is set to maximum. For best results, cover the remaining processing area with paper or cardboard.

Laser Settings

Engraving 1 (black): Power: 24% - Speed: 40% - Frequency: 500ppi - Air-Assist: ON
Engraving 2 (red): Power: 7.5% - Speed: 5% - Frequency: 500ppi - Air-Assist: ON
Engraving 3 (blue): Power: 30% - Speed:40% - Frequency: 500ppi - Air-Assist: ON

Cutting 1 (aqua): Power: 9% - Speed: 2% - Frequency: 1000Hz - Air-Assist: ON
Cutting 2 (lightgreen): Power: 11% - Speed: 1% - Frequency: 1000Hz - Air-Assist: ON


During the removal of the piece from the laser, there is a danger that the little bird on the balcony may be bent.

model house glue together
Step 3

Step 3: Gray cardboard – masonry front

Apply double-sided tape to the back of the cardboard before you start the laser process. This will make assembling the model house quick and easy later on and produce perfectly fitting adhesive surfaces.

Here, too, it is important to cover the entire processing area around the cardboard to achieve maximum extraction.

Laser Settings

Engraving (black): Power: 30% - Speed:10% - Frequency: 500ppi - Air-Assist: ON
Cutting 1 (red): Power: 10% - Speed: 2% - Frequency: 1000Hz - Air-Assist: ON
Cutting 2 (blue): Power: 19% - Speed: 0.8% - Frequency: 1000Hz - Air-Assist: ON

Alder wood – roof, balcony, window frames

Also apply double-sided tape to the alder wood.
The roof, balcony and window frames are cut out of the wood.

Laser Settings

Cutting 1 (black): Power: 20% - Speed: 1% - Frequency: 1000Hz - Air-Assist: ON - Z-Offset: 3mm
Cutting 2 (red): Power: 50% - Speed: 0.8% - Frequency: 1000Hz - Air-Assist: ON

After the laser operation, clean the smoke residue off the edges using a damp cloth or mild detergent. 

model house laser cutting
Step 4

Step 4: Acrylic – two windows

We recommend that you use the acrylic grid when cutting the acrylic. This will prevent unsightly back reflections. Furthermore, we recommend that you close the air flow shutter in order to direct the extraction performance solely onto the processing table. Read more about air flow shutter adjustment here.

Laser Settings

Engraving (black): Power: 30% - Speed: 50% - Frequency: 500ppi - Air-Assist: ON
Cutting (red): Power: 45% - Speed: 0.2% - Frequency: 5000Hz - Air-Assist: ON

Once you have cut out and engraved the two windows, they should be cleaned with a damp cloth.  

Step 5

Step 5: TroLase white/black – two little windows

TroLase can be ordered with adhesive foil pre-applied to the back. All you have to do is place the material into the laser and use our prepared parameters for the Speedy 360 (see downloads).

Laser Settings

Engraving (black): Power: 65% - Speed: 80% - Frequency: 600ppi - Air-Assist: ON - Z-Offset: 1
Cutting (red): Power: 25% - Speed: 1.2% - Frequency: 1000Hz - Air-Assist: ON

Read more about Trotec Materials

step 1 - body
Step 6

Step 6: Assembly​

This small house is a lot easier to assemble than it looks at first glance.

First of all, gather together all of the parts:

  1. The cardboard body
  2. The cardboard front (2x)
  3. Two acrylic windows
  4. Two small TroLase windows
  5. Three wooden parts (roof, balcony, the window frame)
step 7 - wooden balcony
Step 7

Step 7: Step-by-Step

Take the black cardboard body and fold the base frame along the prepared fold lines. Be careful not to damage the little bird on the balcony.

Then attach the roof. To do this, remove the protective foil on the back of the wooden strip and stick it to the upper edge of the body.

The masonry, i.e. the front of the house, consists of two parts: A simple back and a front that has been engraved with a masonry pattern. First glue the two parts together, so that the engraving is visible.

Before you stick the front to the body of the house, insert the large acrylic window. This is now joined to the front part and will then help you with the positioning. In doing so, it is important that the acrylic is clean on both sides and that no fingerprints can be seen. Once the house is assembled, the back side can no longer be cleaned. Any fingerprints, scratches and dust would be clearly visible. Remove the protective film from the gray cardboard and stick the entire front to the body.

The second long window is simply inserted into the recess. Fix this window in place using the wooden window frame. It will exactly cover the edge between the cardboard and acrylic.

The model house is now almost finished. Only a few small details are yet to be applied: The wooden balcony is simply stuck in place above the round window on the black cardboard body. Finally, take the small TroLase windows and stick them in place in the slots in the large acrylic window. 

Do you have a different Speedy or a different wattage?

No problem: In our material database you can configure, download and import into JobControl® all of the parameters for your particular device for the various Trotec engraving materials.

Trotec Material Database

Speedy series
The ideal laser engraver and cutter for personalization.

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Questions about applications or settings?
We're happy to advise you from A for Air assist to Z for z-offset.

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