
Black Marking Anodized Aluminum Nametag with MOPA

Learn how you can make black markings on anodized aluminum with a MOPA laser, using this name badge as inspiration.

Black Marking Anodized Aluminum Nametag with MOPA

Learn how you can make black markings on anodized aluminum with a MOPA laser, using this name badge as inspiration.


What you will need
  • anodized aluminum
  • magnet
Trotec Machine used
  • SpeedMarker 700
  • 20 W MOPA laser
  • F254 lens

You can use any other machine of the SpeedMarker series, Speedy fiber or Speedy flexx.

Please Note

Parameters may vary when marking glossy anodised aluminium.

Creating a black marking is only possible with the MOPA laser. This is the only laser that colors anodized aluminum black through short pulsing. The conventional fiber lasers in the SpeedMarker Series, Speedy Flexx or Speedy Fiber Laser, can only create white marking.



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Step by step

Step 1

Step 1: Design

Download this template or create your own. Import the PDF with layers into SpeedMark and assign parameters and fillings to the object.

Important: If texts are imported from a PDF, they first have to be converted into curves. Otherwise SpeedMark Software will not recognize them as Text. 

Filling for Fill style Line distance [mm]
Logo cross lines (bidirectional) 0.03
Name Bidirectional 0.001
Title Bidirectional 0.001
Step 2

Step 2: Laser process

Lastly, you can now enter the parameter settings. A varience may occur depending on the laser machine used and laser power.

Laser parameter Process Power [%] Speed [mm/s]
Logo Marking 50 2000
Name Marking 50 1500
Title Marking 50 1500
Laser parameter Frequency [kHz] Pulse width [ns] Passes
Logo 60 100 1
Name 200 8 1
Title 200 100 1
Step 3

Step 3: Post processing

The magnet can now be fixed on the back of the nametag.


For added personalisation, you can use various colours of anodised aluminium and sizes for the added sparkle.

Speedy series
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