
Unique catalogue cover of LaserPaper

See how you can produce valuable catalogue covers, brochures or other printed items using LaserPaper Wood.


Unique catalogue cover of LaserPaper

See how you can produce valuable catalogue covers, brochures or other printed items using LaserPaper Wood.


Required material
  • 1 sheet of LaserPaper Wood Maple
  • Material for covering the engraving table
Machine used
  • Speedy 360
  • 120 Watt
  • 2" lens
  • Aluminum cutting grid table or honeycomb table

Any machine from the Speedy laser engraver series may be used for this tutorial.

  • Paper that is at least 150 g/m² should be used for the inner part to ensure enough volume in the finished product
  • The option "Send Beziers and paths to driver" must be activated in your program. Otherwise, JobControl® Vision will not recognize the registration marks.
Catalogue Cover


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Step by step

Step 1

Step 1: Make design layout

Create your own design and tweak it to your liking. Print it on the LaserPaper Wood or send it to your printer.
This example is being engraved and cut, so a hair cross is placed in the center of the design instead of registration marks. The hair cross allows the job to be accurately positioned.

Use the below settings to send the graphic of the outer shell to the laser:

Print settings:

Process mode Resolution Cut line
Standard 500 dpi none
Halftone Others
Colors enhanced geometries, inner geometries first
Step 2

Step 2: Laser process

Adjust the parameter settings. Depending on the laser machine and the laser power available, parameters may differ.


In JobControl, switch the order of the colours from red to blue so that the material is scratched first and then cut.

Laser parameters:

Color Process Power (%) Speed (%) ppi/Hz
black Engraving CO2 20 50 500
red Engraving CO2 12 1.5 1000
blue Cutting CO2 5 1.5 1000
Passes Air Assist Z-Offset Advanced
1 on +2.5 mm -
1 on - -
1 on +2 mm -
Step 3

Step 3: Post-processing

Remove the cover from your laser and insert the catalogue's core. Or, if using a commercial printer, give the cut-out cover to your printing representative for attachment to the catalogue.


Due to the wood grain, colored prints also look great on this material. There are no limits to your creativity.

Speedy series
The ideal laser engraver and cutter for personalization.

Discover laser engravers and cutters

Questions about applications or settings?
We're happy to advise you from A for Air assist to Z for z-offset.

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