diy ice cream sign

Vintage inspired "Ice Cream" sign

This sign was inspired by the diners of the 50s. You can make this great sign with modern materials such as acrylic or anodized aluminum.


Material Used

Browse our product range at trotec-materials.com

Machine used
  • Speedy 360
  • 80 watts
  • 2" lens
  • white acrylic cutting grid for TroGlass and TroLase
  • Aluminum Cutting Grid Table or Honeycomb for wood

This sample can be produced with any machine of the Speedy laser engraver series.

Vintage Sign Ice Cream


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Step by step

laser processing acrlyic troglass
Step 1

Step 1: Import graphic file

Import our template and adapt it to your requirements. Send the individual graphics of each material to the laser using the driver settings below.

Print settings

Process mode Resolution Cut line
Standard 500dpi none
Halftone Others
Color Optimized Geometries,
inner geometries first
print settings troglass sign ice cream
Step 2

Step 2: Laser process acrylic

The laser parameters may vary depending on the type of laser machine and available laser power.

Tip: Change the color order in the material database that the blue creasing line is cut before the red cutline.

Laser Parameters:

Process Color Process Power (%) Speed (%) ppi/Hz
Engraving black engrave CO2 16 20 500
Cutting blue cut CO2 7 1 1000
Cutting red cut CO2 50 0.2 5000
Passes Air Assist Z-Offset Direction Advance
1 ON - bottom up -
1 ON - - -
1 ON - - -
laser processing trolase pink
Step 3

Step 3: TroLase

Import our template and adapt it to your requirements. Send the job to the laser using the driver settings below.

Print settings:

Process mode Resolution Cut line
Standard 500dpi none
Halftone Others
Color Optimized Geometries,
inner geometries first
laser cutting trolase pink
Step 4

Step 4: Laser process TroLase

The laser parameters may vary depending on the type of laser machine and available laser power.

Laser Parameters:

Process Color Process Power (%) Speed (%) ppi/Hz
Engraving black engrave CO2 60 80 500
Cutting red cut CO2 60 1 5000
Passes Air Assist Z-Offset Direction Advanced
1 ON +1mm bottom up -
1 ON - - -
diy laser processing wood
Step 5

Step 5: Wood

Import our template and adapt it to your requirements. Send the job to the laser using the driver settings below.

Print settings:

Process mode Resolution Cut line
Photo optimized 500dpi none
Halftone Others
Ordered Dithering Optimized geometries
laser engraving wood for sign
Step 6

Step 6: Laser process wood

The laser parameters may vary depending on the type of laser machine and available laser power.

Laser Parameters:

Process Color Process  Power (%) Speed (%) ppi/Hz
Engraving black engrave CO2 55 50 500
Cutting red cut CO2 100 1 1000
Passes Air Assist Z-Offset Direction Advanced
1 ON +2mm top down -
1 ON - - -
assemble diy vintage sign ice cream
Step 7

Step 7: Assembly

Remove the protective foil from the aluminum sheet and start gluing the pink and red acrylic pieces to the top and bottom edge of the aluminum sheet. Then add the wood. Next place the TroLase and on top the TroGlass pieces above the cone. At last glue the "Ice Cream" lettering to the marked place on the pink acrylic, and your vintage inspired "Ice Cream" sign is done.

laser engraving machine applications

Why should I use Trotec materials?

This vintage sign clearly shows the variety of Trotec materials. Benefit from our laser and engraving materials, which our experts have already tested and selected for you.


Use different colors or make a series with different motives in the same style. The creative possibilities are limitless!

Speedy series
The ideal laser engraver and cutter for personalization.

Discover laser engravers and cutters

Questions about applications or settings?
We're happy to advise you from A for Air assist to Z for z-offset.

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